Creating a Map Chain

Creating a Map Chain

To begin creating Map Chain you need to have already created either Map or JTScript. Please view the Mapper and Scripts sections on steps on how to do that.

After you have the Mapper or JTScript that you want to chain, you open a new map chain window.

1. Chain a JT Map

Drag and Drop JT MaP from the left hand side grid to the right hand side grid. You will be presented with a popup which lets you select your map.

You can select your JTMap by navigating through the folders or you can unselect the SHOW FOLDERS checkbox to view the list of available JTMaps

Select the JT Map file that you would like to chain and click on Open button.

2. Chain a JT Script

Drag and Drop JT script from the left hand side grid to the right hand side grid. You will be presented with a popup which lets you select your JT Script.

You can select your JTScript by navigating through the folders or you can unselect the SHOW FOLDERS checkbox to view the list of available JTScript.

Select the JT Script file that you would like to chain and click on Open button.