Activating a Business Process in a Connection
A Business Process (BP) can be activated within a Connection as Message Processing Unit for any messages coming in or going out of the Connection. The process to activate BP within a Connection is as follows
Open the connection to associate the BP by clicking on the Connections tab and selecting the connection to update
You will see the details of the connection on the details tab. For example in an SFTP connection you will see the following
All connection will have 4 places to activate any BP. Depending on where they get activated define at what stage of the message transformation life cycle the business process will get activated.
Business Process to be executed for incoming file
Any BP activated here will get executed as soon as a message is received by the connection.
The workflow and routing defined within the Business Process will route the message to its destination
Business Process to be executed for Outgoing file
Any BP activated here will get executed when this connection is used as an outbound connection from a BP
Any routing defined with the BP will overwrite the destination defined by this connection
Business Process to be executed for Synchronous Response
Any BP activated here will get executed asynchronously when this connection receives a synchronous response.
Business Process to be executed for Acknowledgement
Any BP activated here will and will send back as an asynchronous Acknowledgement back to the sender