Transaction ID: This contains a unique transaction ID for the processing event. A transaction ID may be original ID or may also contain the following to prefixes
“S” = Sub Transaction (eg. S 987654321) - Represents a Sub transaction and the ID represents the original transaction ID. In this example the transaction represents a replay from the original transaction 987654321. Sub transactions may get created from the Business Process configuration and may represent use cases such as unique transactions within a batch. The batch may represent the original transaction and the sub transaction the processing of the unique transaction within the batch.
“R” = Replay Transaction (eg. R 123456789) - Represents a Replay transaction and the ID represents the original transaction ID. In this example the transaction represents a replay from the original transaction 123456789
Data File: XML, CSV, EDI, JSON, Excel, PDF, Flat File
API Data Source: Data or Metadata can be pulled directly from a live Justransform API connection like Salesforce, Shopify, or any cloud application.Replay Status: This data contains whether the transaction is the original or if it is a manually replayed transaction
Original Transaction
Replay Transaction - Represented with a “R” prefix.
Status: Represents State of Transaction: Transaction states include: Success, Warning, and Failure
Success - Transaction processed Successfully
Warning - Transaction occurred a “Warning” condition based on validation rule, but processing completed as configured
Failure - Transaction occurred a Hard Failure, and an alert if configured triggered for the event.
Start Time: Represents the Start Time of the transaction record represented in UTC time zone
Source Connection: Contains the name of the Source Connection used within the Business Process. This data represents the connection that originated the transaction. The data will be pulled from the name of the Connection configured via “Connections”
Destination Connection: Contains the name of the Destination Connection used within the Business Process. This data represents the connection that the output data will be sent to. The data will be pulled from the name of the Connection configured via “Connections”
Complete Time: Represents the Start Time of the transaction record represented in UTC time zone